Mission control: 100 rules for NASA project management
NASA is undergoing some big changes and some some soul-searching right now. But it is an organisation that has achieved some of humanity’s most...

How to Start a Computer Games Company
This article is about the hard reality of starting and running a computer games company. I started Intelligent Games (IG) in 1988 because I...

Geeks: how to write for a non-technical audience
Two peoples divided by a common language. George Bernard Shaw said this about the British and the Americans, but the same can be said of...

How to write like a hacker
The world of the computer hacker can seem as alien as Sanskrit or quantum physics. But it’s worth trying to understand the geniuses behind...

5 leadership lessons from the captains of Star Trek
Few science fiction franchises can claim to be as inspirational as the philosophical heavyweight that is Star Trek. Far from being a quaint...

John Boyd: Patterns of Conflict presentation and biography
I had heard about John Boyd’s legendary Patterns of Conflict before I read his biography. But I had never seen it so I went on a quest to...

Fast, cheap or good: choose two
I used to make computer games and back then we had a saying about project management: ‘you can have any two of fast, cheap or good.’ It’s a...