Mac computers and devices on a table

How Apple wins at brand loyalty

The data certainly shows the value of customer loyalty. Apple has an industry-leading Net Promoter Score and it’s share price has more than...

By Matthew Stibbe

Photo of Bambi and Godzilla

Bambi vs. Godzilla: How to work with big companies

There is no law that says small firms can only do business with other small firms. If you can get your foot in the door, it can be very...

By Matthew Stibbe

Inflatable unicorn

The myth of overnight success

One of the biggest myths in business is the ‘overnight success’. What you find, when you look more closely, is a business that took five or...

By Matthew Stibbe

Coffee machine

The 90 per cent solution: how to finish projects on time for less money

I have spent a lot of my life in software development, first at Intelligent Games and then, while at Articulate, designing and launching ...

By Matthew Stibbe

Videogame controller

How to Start a Computer Games Company

This article is about the hard reality of starting and running a computer games company. I started Intelligent Games (IG) in 1988 because I...

By Matthew Stibbe

Man looking at computer screens

The A-Z of Small Business Outsourcing

It used to be a question for the biggest businesses: what do we outsource? Time has levelled the playing field and, today, even small...

By Matthew Stibbe