
Posts by Matthew Stibbe

NASA Mission Control

Mission control: 100 rules for NASA project management

Yes, actually it IS rocket science. Here are 100 rules for NASA project management. Useful project management insights...

Videogame controller

How to Start a Computer Games Company

This article from 2001 contains some lessons I learned from running a computer games company for ten years. This is how...

Technical notebook with lots of geeky scribbles

Geeks: how to write for a non-technical audience

If they're going to be successful, tech companies need to learn to write for a non-technical audience. Here's how they...

Someone typing on a computer keyboard

How to write like a hacker

Without hackers we wouldn't have the internet, the Linux operating system or computer games. Learn how to communicate...

F16 fighter plane

John Boyd: Patterns of Conflict presentation and biography

John Boyd's Patterns of Conflict presentation in PDF, slides and video form. Essential reading for military historians...

Drawing of fast, cheap and good linked up

Fast, cheap or good: choose two

Software developers have a saying: ‘you can have any two of fast, cheap or good.’ It’s a choice that most people don’t...

Articulate Marketing's cocktail making class in Dublin

Employee engagement: 11 quick wins you can do today

Employee engagement matters. Yet, only 15 per cent of employees are actually engaged in the workplace. Try these 11...

PDP-1 running Space War!

The secret history of computer games

Game designer Matthew Stibbe explores the 70-year history of computer games to explain today's games and to discover...

Space Shuttle liftoff

Yes, this is rocket science: leadership lessons from NASA

NASA leadership lessons and management insights from actual rocket scientists working at NASA's Kennedy Space Center....

Team stand up meeting

Team productivity: How to crack the whip without leaving a mark

Sarah’s team faces a team productivity crisis. She super-busy to do but her team isn't feeling the urgency. How should...

Man raising his fist with joy and success at something he's seen on his computer

Take a holiday at work

Most people don’t want to be managers. Why? It's too much work. So, take a holiday at work and find out how to get...

Nicholas Carr giving a lecture

Does IT still matter? Interview with Nicholas Carr

In 2003, Nicholas Carr asked the provocative question: “Does IT matter?” It triggered “an existentialist debate” in the...